Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Word problem on percentage

a percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100 (per cent meaning "per hundred"). It is often denoted using the percent sign, "%". For example, 45% (read as "forty-five percent") is equal to 45 / 100, or 0.45.let's see how to find percentage

Percentages are used to express how large one quantity is, relative to another quantity. The first quantity usually represents a part of, or a change in, the second quantity, which should be greater than zero. For example, an increase of $ 0.15 on a price of $ 2.50 is an increase by a fraction of 0.15 / 2.50 = 0.06. Expressed as a percentage, this is therefore a 6% increase.

Here is an example from sixth grade math word problems


If a caterer receives an order for 2,800 canapes at 0.06 each and requires 30% down ,how much will the client owe after the deposit is paid?


Number of canapes = 2,800

cost of each canape= $0.06

Total amount = 2800 x 0.06=$168

Deposit amount = 30% of total amount

=30% of 168

= 30 x 168
--------- = 50.40

So the client owe $50.40 after the deposit paid.

Based on this ,we also know how to understand ratio word problems

1 comment:

  1. 6. Carmen harvested 5 dozen eggs from her chickens. If she makes an frittata using 8 eggs every Sunday from the eggs for 6 weeks, how many eggs will she have left after the 6 weeks?
