Friday, July 9, 2010

Properties of complex numbers.

I have already discussed the introduction of complex numbers and different types of complex number in my previous post. This post was undoubted a very useful post and I am sure the one you are going to read also will be very informative. Today I will discuss on what are the Complex number properties

Introduction of complex number: - The combination of real number and imaginary number is called complex number. E.g.:- Z=x+iy

You can check my previous post which gives you clear information on what are complex numbers.

Now let’s look at what are the properties of complex number.

The Properties of Complex numbers are:

a) Commutative Law for Addition,

B) Commutative Law for multiplication,

C) Additive Identity Exists,

D) Multiplicative Identity Exist,

E) Reciprocals (Multiplicative Inverses) Exist for nonzero complex numbers,

F) Negatives (Additive Inverses) Exist for all complex numbers,

G) Non Zero Product Law.

Are you aware that complex numbers are also represented by a Graph? Well, yes it is. I will discuss on this in my next post let me know how this post helped you.

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