Introduction of Fractions
Fraction is a part of a whole number, it has two parts in it. One is called the numerator and the other is called the denominator for the bottom number. I will help you understand this more better with a simple example.
Example: Out of 15 children, 8 children had pizza this can be explained as 8/15
Now, you are aware of the fractions right, now lets learn different fractions.
1. Proper Fractions: In a fraction when the numerator is less than the denominator it is called Proper fraction.
Eg:- 5/10, 15/20, 6/12 and so on..
2. Improper Fraction: In a fraction when the numerator should be equal or greater than the denominator it is called the Improper fractions.
Eg:- 14/7, 4/6, 8/8 and so on..
3. Equivalent Fractions: When the numerator and the denominator both can be multiples by the same number except zero it is called the equivalent fractions.
Eg: 15/5, 36/4, 16/2 and so on..
4. Mixed Fraction: It is a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction.
Eg: 2 3/8 7 1/4 1 14/15 22 2/8
Now i am sure you have a good knowledge of Fractions, and different types of Fractions. Well, now start writing a few fractions and differentiate them.
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